
Our 2024 Healthcare Guide is Here

May 22, 2024
Min Read

Fifty-one percent.

That is the number of employees who report spending at least two hours per day on repetitive tasks. In other words, more than half of workers are spending a quarter of their workdays being inefficient. Extrapolated out, two hours per day, per employee can cost a medical facility somewhere in the neighborhood of $15 million. Yes, you read that right. $15 million that’s not covering a nurse’s overtime, not purchasing live-saving equipment…$15 million down the drain in inefficiency.

Workers know it too. Our state of digital maturity report showed that 72% of employees think inefficient processes negatively impact their jobs. They’re right of course. We assume your healthcare organization could use an extra $15 million to make infrastructure improvements, create headcount, or pursue countless other projects from your backlog. The good news is that a little digitization and automation can go a long way toward streamlining processes your staff currently dread.

This week, we published our new Healthcare Guide titled ‘7 Healthcare Workflows to Improve Your Office Today.’ While the bulk of the guide references specific workflows that can automate processes, empower workers, and save resources in the healthcare sector, you will also find best practices, customer stories, and step-by-step instructions on how to leverage digital transformation to turn your organization into an efficient, slick, well-oiled machine. 

Not only do the benefits of Formstack relieve pressure from your staff, but they elevate the patient experience. If you are looking for ways to save time with patient onboarding/referrals or find innovative ways to use tech for healthcare marketing, this guide is for you.


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Formstack is a SaaS company with a mission to help organizations digitize what matters, automate workflows, and fix processes—all without code. A variety of team members come together to compile posts under Formstack's authorship.
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